Ultimate Guide - SEO Keyword Research for your Website!

Keyword research in SEO is a central element. In general, the entire mechanism of search engine optimization is built precisely on key phrases that are selected based on user requests in search engines. To achieve significant success on your blog or website, this operation is necessary. The SEO company Bangkok has specialists those who will help to search the right keywords.

The study of keywords does not only concern the selection of mass search criteria, link building and rating building for one desired keyword. It is the foundation of a good search engine optimization campaign. With the right approach, these fundamental steps to optimize your search will help rank your pages for more keywords and, accordingly, help achieve increased traffic to the site.


Keyword research is the process of searching and analyzing real search terms that people enter into the search engines. Understanding what you can get in these actual search terms can help develop your content strategy as well as your broader marketing strategy.


Keywords are an important SEO factor that Google uses. Define them correctly and the search engine will understand what your content is.

Keyword research helps you read the minds of your potential customers by finding topics to use in content marketing. When you know what your target audience is looking for, you can optimize the content and provide users with the answers they need.

Keyword research is also the basis for all marketing and advertising activities, including email marketing. It also helps with contextual campaigns. Analysis of competitors' keywords will help to improve their own content strategy.


Here are the following steps:

Focus on Latent Semantic Keywords 

Another term you can hear is semantic keywords, which is associated with latent semantic indexing (LSI). LSI is a bit like search engines in the way it uses word associations. For example, if a user searches for “Titanic,” the search engine will use the keyword context to see if you are looking for information about a ship or a movie.

LSI helps search engines deliver more relevant search results, so it is recommended that you should include it in your keyword research strategy. A useful tool for finding LSI keywords is LSIGraph. It provides a long list of terms displayed by Google. Using semantic keywords will help make your content more relevant.

Focus on Users’ Intentions 

To effectively use keywords for marketing, content creation and SEO optimization, you must understand the user's intentions. There are various ways to describe keyword intentions. For example, in e-commerce there are four types:

Navigation - Users are looking for a specific site.

Information - Users are looking for the answer to the question.

Research - Users are looking for information that may ultimately lead to acquisition.

Transactional - Users are willing to buy.

How do they differ from each other? A description of a typical search process will help to understand this. Suppose you are considering buying a phone. You start the search with informational keywords to find out which options are available.

In the search process, select several brands that will interest you. When studying them, you can enter their names in the search bar to find the addresses of the official websites of companies. This is a navigation search.

After that, you will begin to compare the selected models. This is a research search. Although it has an informational aspect.

Transactional key phrases include words such as “buy,” along with a detailed description of what a person is looking for. Keywords with commercial intentions are those that relate to the business and attract people who may want to buy something from you.

While navigation keywords remain unchanged, transactional and informational keywords change depending on the input method by voice dialling, or through an intelligent assistant. If you know how to correctly classify keywords, you can optimize your own content strategy and ensure relevance to the needs of users so that they find exactly your information.

Collect Information Related Keywords 

If you know your niche, then you should have a complete picture of the information that your customers need. Getting started, think about the main keywords. These are phrases that do not have a modifier and are the building blocks for a list of keywords. For example, “health insurance” is the main word, and “health insurance service calculator” is the long tail. There are several other places where you can start your keyword search:
Blog comments indicate what topics people are asking about.
Social media hashtags are important keywords, so keep an eye on what people use when they share content.
Do not forget about local search, which has become more important as users become mobile. A place name can also be a useful search term. Therefore, if your business targets a specific region, consider this as part of the keyword generation process.
These methods are only a starting point for research. If you want to do everything qualitatively, you need to use the tools for researching keywords. With their help, you can evaluate the search queries that you have already identified and found new ones.

Must Read- What are the Best Techniques for Off-Page SEO Ranking?

Search Keyword Through Tools 

The various tools can provide metrics like keyword search volume, ranking complexity, the value of each particular keyword, and more. There are many keyword research tools like Google Adwords Keyword Planner, SEMrush, SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool, Ahrefs and more. In addition, you can also answer the public provides the results by query type.

Choose Appropriate Keyword

After you search for keywords using specialized tools, you should get a long list of queries. If you intend to use the keys in advertising, you need to run them through the Google AdWords keyword planner to find out which ones are best suited for this purpose. Popular searches can be expensive. But you can also combine keywords with them that are slightly less popular. You can split your list. For example, some of the keywords will be directly related to your business, while others will be related to the intent of users. You can also group your keywords according to the topics you would like to cover.

Insert Content Matched Keywords 

You need to create content that matches different types of intentions. In other words, it’s worth focusing not only on commercial keys; people will use other types of keywords before they are ready to buy. An optimal content creation and marketing strategy should include all types of keywords.


Using keywords to optimize content is a separate big topic. But you can start by adding keywords to:

Title: The latter is the starting point for determining relevancy in Google. This is a clickable link that users see in the search results.

Meta Description: A meta description will be automatically generated from the first 160 characters of your content. Therefore, this is the right place to use keywords. It provides a description below the clickable link.

Add Links and Posts on Social Networks: If you share site content, you can help users find it by adding the appropriate hashtag based on the keyword.
You will also use keywords and related terms in the content itself. Focus on the main keyword, and then use its various variations.


Now you know how to do keyword research and choose the right search terms for Google. Remember to periodically perform an SEO audit to identify errors that could worsen the ranking and volume of traffic received. In this, the experts of the SEO company in Bangkok will help. So, choose the appropriate one and rank your site on top of SERPs. 


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